100 다오들과 탑-레벨 도메인 .나라

100 다오들과 탑-레벨 도메인 .나라

Morning, everyone. Today I will go over Harmony’s roadmap on funding 100 DAOs and on bridging digital identities with .country Internet Top-Level Domain (TLD).


Since our announcement in August, Harmony has already started tens of DAOs. Decentralized autonomous organizations, or what I call on-chain clubs with assets and actions, are the future of work. People stake with tokens to join a club, poll together assets, and drive actions together – all on blockchains with open development and immutable contracts.

What are the 10 DAOs so far that we have committed $1M funding each? We give each DAOs a tagline and three mandates that are so memorable they fit in a tweet. For example, Research DAO is to bring the best results to production – which Harmony has done with OmniLedger and RapidChain for sharding, Flyclient for cross-chain bridges, and SmartOTP for one-time-password security. Similarly, Wallet DAO is to build a fearless wallet for everyone – with self-custody but no need for hardware devices or writing down seed phrases.

👫하모니에서 DAO를 왜? 그리고 어떻게?

Harmony argues that DAOs can provide “basic income” or “minimum pay” for builders and creatives. At-will contributions, rather than single-company employment or year-long committment, are the core of decentralized economy. Our Basic DAO tracks timesheets, setup payrolls, and manage performance.

Isn’t this what any company must do for human resources and legal paperwork? Exactly, but now on chain with possibly anonymous yet public reputations. The abundance of project bounties, the disparity of global talents, the reinforcement of community passion… are scaling trust and coordination of strangers each contributing to tens of DAOs.

👩‍🚀"ONE to Earn" for Builders & Creatives

With builder-first and friendly as its mandate, the Developer DAO is set up to increase engagement with the broader developer community. The DAO's top mandates are to support, manage bounties, and advocate.

🛠️Developer DAO

The Matching DAO "“All For One With Love”" brings together creators and users with a community-focused spotlight. When a user appreciates a creator and offers a tip, the Matching DAO matches the amount for the artist. Moreover, the DAO will promote artists by putting them in the spotlight with an aim to help them amass tips, testimonials and more.


The Liquidity DAO is an open collective that exists as both an arm of the Harmony Protocol ecosystem, as well as a wing of the open-source Hummingbot Foundation. With a vision of “Organic Market-Making”, the Liquidity DAO is built on the foundation of three core values.

Connectivity: improve market efficiency by integrating across exchanges, bridges, pools.

Transparency: open-source connectors & strategies with public metrics & analytics.

Alignment: balance slippage for traders, fees for makers, vs risk for holders

🧛Liquidity 다오 – Organic Market Making

Become a digital citizen of a DAO with the top level internet domain .country. With Domain Name Service (DNS) and Ethereum Name Service (ENS) support, the possibilities are endless for users that wish to create their own utopia in a DAO.


Harmony’s vision remains “Open Consensus for 10B People” — that is, there will be an open platform for our future generations to create in harmony. We are committed to the mission “To scale trust and to create a radically fair economy”. That means building a decentralized, scalable and secure blockchain to settle any transactions without trusted parties. Here, fairness in radical markets promises everyone opportunity for creating meaningful wealth.

Now is also the prime time to innovate on consumer marketplaces and social incentives on blockchain. Radical markets mean self-assessed taxation and quadratic stakes; mechanism designs focus on revealing true preferences and multi-round auctions. Both on blockchain can make retail loyalty programs or commerce logistics far more efficient — or even bring social changes in the form of basic income and retroactive funding for public goods. (more)

🏗️브릿지 개발을 위한 $1M 해커톤 & DAO


We aim to onboard thousands of builders and creatives in coming months. How to be capturing everyone's initial enthusiasm while making progress despite coordination inertia?

Harmony offers the most generous pays to onboard anyone who is qualified and aligned with our mission. Our culture values productivity over activity – or, more importantly, values meanings of our work making impacts in people's lives rather than work hours. Builders in DAOs as the future of work prefer fluid commitment, exploring multiple opportunities and producing work upon passion of the moment. So, we set the maximum productive hours at 20 per week for at-will contributors and at 30 per week for large groups.

👩‍🚀"ONE to Earn" for Builders & Creatives

With an objective to onboard ONE million users in the coming months, Harmony is offering 1,000 ONE tokens as daily prizes. The user(s) with the fastest time from a wallet creation to posting #ONEquest on Twitter wins ONE tokens daily.

Every day 500 ONE tokens are rewarded for the fastest person to complete #ONEquest, 300 for the second, 100 for the third. Another 100 ONE as the special prize for the most creative or the most challenging onboarding.

🏆#ONEquest – Daily Race for 1M users


Harmony is driving blockchain adoption by building bridges to all networks and working together with builders and communities. To assist individuals and teams become a part of the Harmony ecosystem, we offer task bounties, hackathon prizes, launch incentives, grants and more in amounts over $300 Million.

Our thesis on Harmony Ecosystem Fund is:

  1. Build – generous pay for developers and creatives toward impacts;
  2. Play – small budgets but many experiments in short timeframes;
  3. Talk – strong guidance and peer feedbacks in open forums.
🚀지원금과 DAO에 지원해보세요

At Harmony, our vision has always been to bring blockchain to billions of people. This year, our ecosystem of applications has been growing at a rapid scale.

Now, we want to take the next leap forward.

Harmony will be deploying our $300+ million total treasury to support and accelerate 10,000 builders.

Over the next ONE year, we aim to accelerate 10,000 builders who will impact the lives of at least 10 million new users on blockchain. We want to bring new developers and new users into the ecosystem.

🔥$300M이상의 포상금, 지원금 & 다오

Harmony’s bridges can connect any Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake chains. Our FlyClient architecture is fully trustless and highly gas-efficient. Currently, our bridges for Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain secure tens of millions cross-chain assets.

What about users? They can continue to use MetaMask or Ledger — but now pay minimal fees. Any Ethereum wallets or portals can work on Harmony without code changes or new installs — we are fully compatible for both transaction messages and execution environments.

Our protocol strengths include:

1. Secure, Random State Sharding

2. Fast Consensus w/ Instant Finality

3. Effective PoS & Token Economics

⁉️Why Harmony? Technical Overview of Protocols, Validators & Bridges